Court Costs


Debts that survive a bankruptcy are outlined in Section 178 of the Bankruptcy & Insolvency Act. Whether or not your court costs are going to fall within this Section is going to depend on what the costs relate to. The costs that I can see being reviewed would be: -court fines. Are these costs applicable to some type of fine from the court? -is it any type of restitution order? -fraud or misappropriation of assets.  Is there any reference to this in the judgment? But if they are simply costs resulting from a civil claim that you lost (a lawsuit for money owed), then yes…..they can be included in a bankruptcy. If you would like to contact me with the specifics of your court costs, I can be reached at the contact info below. Donna Carson, CGA, CIRP, Trustee Calgary, Airdrie, Drumheller regions 403.537.7657 or 1.877.500.0792 [email protected]

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