Your best option depends on what your income is and what you own. If, based on your income and assets, you can pay the debt over time, but not the associated interest, a good credit counselling program might be the answer for you - lower payments, lower interest. If you know that you can't pay the full amount of the debt (even if there was no interest on it), a Consumer Proposal can reduce your total debt to a percentage of what it is right now (and it also eliminates the interest). If that would still be too much for you to manage, then a bankruptcy may be the right way for you to get out from under the debt. Any of these options will give you a clean slate - if you want to discuss things in more detail, feel free to give me a call.
Judy Scott
Trustee - Meyers Norris Penny Limited
Port Moody - Burnaby - Maple Ridge BC
[email protected]