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MNP Debt Blog

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I will owe the government about $150000 and have about 150000 in equity in my condo. I will not be able to make the payments to the government for taxes. Is my scenario a case for bankruptcy or does one have to sell the home?

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I am getting married in August and I am drowning in debt, both credit card and student loans. I also have a car loan. Is it better for me to do a bankruptcy or whatever needs to be done before I get married in a few weeks or to wait until after I'm...

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If the husband has filed bankruptcy, in Alberta, can the wife who lives with him apply for and receive a government grant for house repairs, while the husband is still in bankruptcy?...thankyou.

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I have a Tax credit debt for my old company 17 years ago. They are garnishing my wages now. I feel that this debt is not mine personnally. I was told to file Bankruptcy for this. please advise Thanks randell

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how much do you calculate in the budget after bankruptcy for housing costs for a family of 5. thanks ron

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I own a vehicle worth about $18000. I have a car loan with the vehicle as collateral. the balance owing is $22000. If i declare bankruptcy, will i lose the vehicle? Thanks for your advice DON

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Is it possible to file a partial bankruptcy to eliminate credit card debt only.

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Hi, I have a house that is mortaged to its value, a line of credit of #30,000, about $20,000 in credit card debt. My sources of income are a city pension and CPP disability. First question, if I go under, can they garnishee my pension or is that untouchable? Thanks...

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In personal bankruptcy what happens if I owe a company from California?

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What happens when you default on your consumer proposal and it becomes null and void? Does the credit rating automatically go back to zero after seven years even though it was never resolved?

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