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MNP Debt Blog

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Albertans Asked To Think Twice Before Taking On More Debt

The Bank of Canada announced on Jan. 21 the interest rate had been cut by 0.25%. Although good news, MNP personal bankruptcy trustees caution Canadians about taking advantage of this decrease by taking on more debt.

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The Winter Cash Crunch: 5 Areas Where You Can Save Money

Many people find they struggle financially during the post-Christmas winter months. Holiday credit card bills come in, and combined with higher energy and other winter expenses can put a strain on an otherwise balanced household budget.

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You finally met the right person and now you want to take your relationship to the next level. You move in together or you want to make it more official and get married.

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One In Five Ontario Residents Are Technically Insolvent

Canadians underestimate debt-to-income balance. February 23, 2015, Calgary, AB — Almost of fifth of Ontario residents owe more than they own or earn, making them technically insolvent and at risk of bankruptcy, according to a new survey by Ipsos Reid....

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Top 5 Tips For Dealing With Debt Collectors

The phone won’t stop ringing. You’re afraid to answer the phone because you’re pretty sure it’s a collection agent.

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Will I Go Through Bankruptcy Alone?

The answer is no. A Government-Licensed Trustee will be there to help you through the process.

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Debt And Mid Life Crisis

Whether you know it or not, you may be going through a mid-life crisis. It usually crops up around the age of 35 to 40 because of many things, but family changes and debt accumulation can be the most problematic.

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Debt Is Not Cool

Author E.E. Cummings, when talking about his debts, is reported to have said, “I am living so far beyond my income that we may be said to be living apart.” Humorous as it may sound, being in debt is never cool.

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An exempt asset is defined under the laws of each province. Exempt assets are retained by the owner in the event of a bankruptcy and not accessible by that individual’s creditors.

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This is the second entry in a two-part blog series on family debt categories. Part 1 discussed becoming a loan guarantor in general, as well as becoming a guarantor for a spouse’s business loans. Here are three other primary categories of family debt...

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