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MNP Debt Blog

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Develop The Discipline To Make Saving Like Breathing

MNP's TAKE: With a struggling national economy and unemployment on the rise throughout several provinces, it's no surprise to learn that Canadians are grappling with financial insecurity.

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Paying Out Of Pocket To Keep Your Business Afloat

Ultimately, the purpose of any business is to make a profit. The value of any business is largely determined as a multiple of its profit or cash flow.

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For many Canadians, their retirement years are supposed to represent their golden years where they can enjoy the fruits of a lifetime of work and labour.

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MNP Ltd.’s Licenced Insolvency Trustee Walter Mackinnon spoke with the Journal Pioneer regarding Aethon Aerospace Inc. and Testori Americas Corporation.

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More Than Half Of Canadians In A Mortgage Balancing Act

Given the country’s weakened economy and devalued dollar, paired with significant unemployment rolling through some provinces – it’s suffice to say Canadians are struggling. Low interest rates however, have kept many spending, often relying on credit...

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Albertans Financial Woes Skyrocket

As Alberta continues to grapple with the price of crude oil on the global market and as a result, significant unemployment rolling through the energy sector – it comes as no surprise to learn tens of thousands of Albertans are struggling with financial...

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Are you Financially Fit? Take the Test

Read this blog to put your financial fitness to the test.

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Millions Of Canadians Facing Insolvency

According to MNP’s recent Consumer Debt Sentiment Survey, 56 per cent of Canadians are on the brink of financial ruin.

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Nearly half (47 per cent) of all homeowners with a mortgage agree in that they’re concerned about their ability to make their mortgage payments when interest rates rise, according to a survey conducted by MNP Debt.

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Blindness to Budget Benefits in Eyes of Credit Card Holder

As interest rates continue to sit at rock bottom, many Canadians are left feeling (far) richer than they actually are, dipping deeper and deeper into credit reliance to accommodate spending habits.

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