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MNP Debt Blog

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Should I File for Bankruptcy?

I’ve been asked that question quite often and there is no easy answer. Bankruptcy should almost always be the option selected after all other alternatives have been explored and you’re certain your debt is insurmountable.

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Getting into a situation where debt can get out of hand is a fairly common occurrence in today’s world.

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In family law matters there are three types of proceedings that may affect a bankruptcy: child custody, support obligations and equalization issues.

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Are you finding it hard to stay financially afloat? Do you feel overwhelmed or like you are drowning in debt? High interest rates, expensive housing costs, unexpected expenses and the increasing price of day-to-day items can easily contribute to putting...

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What Is A Bankruptcy Trustee

When you hear the job title ‘Bankruptcy Trustee’, you probably assume they only administer bankruptcies, right?

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Have you ever wondered who can help if you find yourself overwhelmed with debt? There are many organizations who offer services such as debt consolidation, debt settlement plans, interest reduction and debt forgiveness. There are also other methods of...

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Planning For Retirement

Planning for retirement is more than dreaming of the day when you get to sleep in on Monday morning and not having to commute to work.

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Your bankruptcy does not automatically lead to the bankruptcy of your spouse. The fact that you are married or living common-law has no effect during bankruptcy. It is mostly your shared assets and debts that may have consequences for your spouse.

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I was reading an article in the Globe and Mail entitled Markets are Flush, rates are low and I fear it will all end in tears and it occurred to me that this is relevant to my experience as a Trustee in Bankruptcy for one simple reason.

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That is a question that we get a lot as Trustees. Every situation is different but generally speaking, the answer is a three-step process.

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