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MNP Debt Blog

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What Happens To My Savings In A Bankruptcy

If your financial situation has become overwhelming and you find yourself struggling from one debt payment to the next – you’re certainly not alone.

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Couple Need A Firmer Grip On Budgeting

Norman and Lena, otherwise well-set for early retirement, would be wise to get a better handle on spending.

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Personal Bankruptcy On The Rise

With increased unemployment spreading throughout the prairies and B.C, many are struggling to keep up with day-to-day expenses and find themselves more reliant on credit than they would like to be.

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Debt is a subject no one likes to talk about. Many people have debt but don’t know what to do to get out of it. Here are five insightful tips for anyone trying to stay afloat:.

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Worried About Vacation Debt Why Not Holiday In Canada

Spending time with your loved ones by going on a family vacation can be a memorable time, but if the thought of the high costs of a holiday is putting you off or causing unnecessary stress, it may be time to consider about checking out holiday spots in...

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Where Do You Stand When It Comes To Budgeting

One of the first questions I typically ask my clients is this: “When was the last time you drew up a budget?”

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Relying on credit to carry you through times of underemployment? Careful! Debt can be more costly than you think!

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Only Making Your Minimum Monthly Payment

Making your minimum payments on time might seem responsible, when in truth it could come with some costly consequences.

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Pokmon Go Outside

Brainstorming ideas to spend the rest of your summer without breaking the bank? Try Pokémon Go!

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Stuck in a cycle of debt but not sure exactly what your options are or how to decide which is the best route for you?

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