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MNP Debt Blog

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Christmas is upon us. It is time to plan for gifts, family gatherings and travel. Just like Santa Claus and his Elves, planning is a must and a credit card can be an important part of your tool box.

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Christmas Shopping Frenzy

To keep yourself on track for a good financial start to 2016, try creating a detailed budget before you leave your house. Having a plan in hand will help you check things off your list – rather than adding to it!

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7 Tips To Help You Spend Responsibly This Holiday Season

It is hard to believe that Christmas is only two weeks away, but step into any retail establishment and you’ll be sure to notice the holiday displays and buzz.

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Look Now For Best Deals On Winter Getaways

It's that time of year again. The days are shorter, the weather is brisk and the winter blues are setting in. As we brave another Canadian winter, it can be tempting to book the next ticket out of here with just a click of a button and a credit card....

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Debt, Bankruptcy & Consumer Proposals with Doug Stuive

MNP LTD Trustee Doug Stuive was interviewed by Bankruptcy Canda Inc. , to discuss debt, bankruptcy and consumer proposals.

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Get to Know Our Licensed Insolvency Trustees

The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) - Canada's regulator of bankruptcy and insolvency - has announced that the designation “Trustee in Bankruptcy” will be replaced by “Licenced Insolvency Trustee” in the New Year,...

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Financial Literacy Month

November, 2015 marks the five year anniversary of Canada’s Financial Literacy Month.

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Learn From Those Smart, Stingy Boomers and Think Before You Spend

As we head into the holidays, it's all too easy to watch the spending add up. Between holiday parties, decorations, groceries and gifts - the dollars leaving your account (or worse, going onto credit) can become overwhelming.

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Ontario Debt Rules

New rules in Ontario to better protect consumers from unscrupulous debt settlement companies come into force this week, but bankruptcy trustees says those in financial trouble seeking help still need to be cautious.

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The Real Cost Of Christmas

With the holidays just around the corner, many Canadians are starting their Christmas shopping, ready to shell out hundreds of dollars to surprise loved ones with the perfect gift.

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