
MNP Debt Blog

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My common law husband passed away Oct 18/08 I was unable to work I just got a job at "__" cooking, my wages are just 10.00hr my rent is 725.00 plus I have 4 credit cards that add up and I just can't do it. Do I qualify for bankruptcy? I don't know how...

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If I file for bankruptcy, can I keep my car?

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After leaving my husband a year ago, I have been overwhelmed by debt and feel unable to pay it off. I am strongly considering bankruptcy and not too sure how to go about it. I am hoping to find out the steps to take and what it will cost me. Thank-you....

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Will it help to resolve my immediate problem to file bankruptcy now. VISA has informed me today that they emptied my bank account, which was intended for my rent. If I can not get this reversed I will be evicted. Is there anything I can do to get my...

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I don't make a lot of money and owe about 8,000. I don't won anything except a car year 2000 which needs $1000 worth of work. What do I stand to loose and how fast can I do this. Is there any money up front I need to pay you or can it be settled slowly....

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I haven’t filed for bankruptcy, and my creditors are harassing me. What can I do?

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What assets can I keep if I file for bankruptcy?

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Can money owing to the government for income taxes, GST, Source Deductions etc. be including in a bankruptcy or proposal?

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What if one is on income assistance and cannot afford to pay for a trustee but needs to declare bankruptcy? How can one go about filing for bankruptcy and get the help they need?

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I'm farming on a quarter section of land, will this be taken by the Trustee if I declare bankruptcy?

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