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MNP Debt Blog

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The Ontario Ministry of Consumer Services has recently issued an alert warning consumers to exercise caution when considering a contract for services being marketed as “debt settlement”, “debt management”, “debt reduction” or “debt consolidation”.

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In January of this year, the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, a Government of Canada agency, issued a consumer alert entitled Debt Reduction Companies: Beware of “Too Good to Be True” Offers.

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Learn what to do when you can't afford the payments in your proposal.

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As Canadians, we have a number of choices available to us in determining the best solution for managing our debts. Obviously, everyone’s circumstances will be a bit different, it's best to ask a few questions first to better understand your needs.

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What is Orderly Payment of Debts?

Orderly Payment of Debts is a debt repayment arrangement in the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia.

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In Canada, creditors assign credit ratings on a scale of 1 to 9, with 1 meaning your payments are being made on time and 9 meaning your debts are in collection or considered uncollectible.

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We'll review the various bankruptcy alternatives that are available in helping you manage your debt. These include a loan consolidation, an informal proposal or a formal consumer proposal.

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We'll review who needs to be informed about your bankruptcy filing. The notification process can vary depending on how many assets you have when you file.

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Learn how a secured credit card can help rebuild your credit rating after being discharged from a bankruptcy.

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Meeting with a Trustee about Financial Problems

Meeting with a Trustee about Financial Problems

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