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MNP Debt Blog

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This is the year you are going to make financial health a priority. You are going to gain control of your finances, dig yourself out of debt, and eliminate stress from your life. And every day, you resolve that you will start that process…tomorrow.

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The Christmas Season is meant to be filled with happiness and joy. However these feelings quickly change as we become caught up in the moment of spreading holiday cheer by means of expensive gifts.

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Yes, they are released in a bankruptcy, or consumer proposal for that matter.

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Relocation And Bankruptcy

I'm considering declaring bankruptcy but may want to move in the future to pursue employment opportunities out of province. Will that be a problem?

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My question pertains to my spouse's debt. He has a government of Ontario Student Loan which he has not paid back in full yet - and it seems it's been some time since (he hasnt paid much to it in the 6 years we have been together - he has been graduated...

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My husband and I are on Employment and income assistance, can we apply for bankruptcy?

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If I file for bankruptcy will I lose my GST and Child Tax Benefits?

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I'm dealing with a company that promised to cut my credit card debts in half. They told me to stop making my monthly payments and now I'm getting more calls than ever. What can I do?

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What do I do if I filed for bankruptcy and failed to complete my obligations 6 years ago? do I have to file another bankruptcy or can I continue with the first?

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