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MNP Debt Blog

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Sgi Claims In A Bankruptcy In Saskatchewan

Generally when you file for bankruptcy or make a proposal to your creditors, unsecured debts will be released. Section 178 of the Bankruptcy Act lists the only debts that survive a bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal.

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Face Your Debt Problems This New Year

The holiday season is meant to be a time to enjoy being with your family and friends. For those with debt stress, it may be difficult to enjoy the holidays when you are experiencing financial difficulties.

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A former colleague of mine used to send out letters to consumers with two specially packaged Tylenol attached, along with a brief message that said, “ Taking these two tablets will make your headache disappear, but it will not provide permanent...

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Informal Solutions For Reducing Your Debt

People are always asking: are there options before I have to file a Consumer Proposal or a bankruptcy? The answer is YES, but like anything, it takes commitment and diligence for them to work. So what are the options?

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Consolidation loans are often the first option people think of when they find their debt is stretching their budget.

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One of the first options anyone with financial difficulty should consider is consolidating their debts through what is normally called a debt consolidation loan.

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People with poor or bad credit can have a hard time obtaining credit at a competitive or low rate. Lenders do not want to take the risk of offering loans they might not get paid for.

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A survey conducted by Pollara for BMO revealed that Canadian holiday spending plans in 2013 were up for the third straight year, with anticipated average spending on travel increasing 22% to $689, while average gift-buying went up only slightly, to $678...

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The holidays are just around the corner. The tree is up and decorated, the baking is done, cards and letters are ready to send.

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Jill is a 40-year-old Canadian who moved to Australia in 2011 to resume a new life and a new career.

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