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What is an Informal Debt Settlement?
Frederic Lachance
Debt Solutions
An informal debt settlement of debts is essentially a voluntary proposal between you and your creditors without judicial surety or the step by step support that comes from working with a licensed trustee.
Read More arrow_forwardDebt Consolidation How Does It Work And Is There Anything I Cant Include
Donna Carson
Financial distress due to unmanageable debt can sneak up on you. When your debt starts to add up and payments begin to fall behind, this is the absolute best time to take a look at your budget and to look at your options.
Read More arrow_forwardIncrease In Insolvencies In Canada
David Gowling
Consumer Proposal
Statistics Canada recently released a report stating that Canadians are holding a record level of household debt with the average Canadian household owing 164.6% of its annual income.
Read More arrow_forwardGrand Opening Of Our Stoney Creek Location
MNP recently moved to a new location at Gullivers Square, which is directly across from the Eastgate Square Mall.
Read More arrow_forwardIts A Good Thing We Have Consumer Proposals
David Gowling
Consumer Proposal
Alternatives to Bankruptcy
Often, when people think of insolvency, they relate it directly to bankruptcy. This can be very deflating to those who find themselves struggling with debt, but want to avoid having to file for bankruptcy.
Read More arrow_forwardCanadians And Credit Debt
There’s no denying it, many Canadians are currently experiencing financial distress. According to Statistics Canada, the household debt in Canada is at the highest level even when measured as a portion of disposable income in 2015’s second quarter.
Read More arrow_forwardCanadian Household Debt
According to Statistics Canada, households in Canada had the highest debt level ever when measured as a portion of disposable income in 2015’s second quarter.
Read More arrow_forwardDebt Relief in Canada
Michelle Scheller
Financial struggles and high debt ratios are becoming more common among Canadians. Getting finances in order can be a very overwhelming task for many individuals. It is however, a very important task to tackle in light of increasing debt loads.
Read More arrow_forwardStudent Loan Debt
Donna Carson
Finishing school and trying to jump start your career while navigating student loan debt can be overwhelming to say the least.
Read More arrow_forwardSaving, Not Borrowing: Something to Learn from Grandma
Wesley Cowan
With summer over and kids returning to school, many Ontario families are getting back into the regular schedule of life, with all the busyness that entails. This is also often the time when we turn our thoughts toward the rest of the year and what we...
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