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MNP Debt Blog

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can I file for personal Bankruptcy twice? Because about 16 yrs ago i file for personal bankruptcy and due to the recession and loss of hours at work I am finding paying my bills really difficult.

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Will my employer find out if I file for bankruptcy?

Will my employer find out if I file for bankruptcy?

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Finding a Trustee in Remote Communities

I live in a remote northern community. How can I go about finding a trustee?

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Mortgage and Credit Card Debt - Need an Appointment

I have a mortgage that I find I can't afford, plus credit card debts. The mortgage is for a property that has lost value since the purchase, so selling isn't an easy opinion. I was wondering if I could schedule an appointment to come talk to someone. ...

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I have a vehicle, year 2000 value is about $8500.00, with no debt on it. What would happen to this given the vehicle exception is $5000.00? Thank you,

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I have a vehicle, year 2000 value is about $8500.00, with no debt on it. What would happen to this given the vehicle exemption is $5000.00?

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What happens with bankruptcy when I filed May 6 and will be over in 6 months, my husband passed and had life insurance? What will happen to it? Will I get it?

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How to file a bankruptcy. I want to know how much it costs and how can I deal with student loan. I had a house mortage and due to recession I have to give it away to bank so what are my options.

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I have a lot of questions and have never declared bankruptcy before. I would appreciate some advice.

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My husband is refusing to give me his pay stubs as he just got a job after I filed bankruptcy. What would happen if the trustee that I am with found out about this? And as he is not part of the bankruptcy, do they have access to this information? Thank...

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