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MNP Debt Blog

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What Happens If I Cant Pay My Consumer Proposal Or Consolidation Loan?

First, let’s talk about what it means to default on a CP. Then we can look at what you can or should do if you do, in fact, default. There are certain protections in place that allow for some flexibility in ‘putting it back in the box’ so to speak, if...

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Boc Warns About Rising Debt

As Canadians are struggling with a weakened economy and a consistently increasing cost of living, it's no surprise to learn that many are relying on credit and (current) low interest rates to help keep up with monthly financial obligations and expenses....

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Guaranteeing Somebody Else's Debt? WAIT!

Sometimes a financial institution or other form of lender will not grant credit to an individual or company (the “borrower”) unless someone else provides a guarantee. This can be potentially dangerous because if the borrower defaults on the loan, the...

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Mnp Tax Debt Webinar 2016

Haven’t filed taxes in a while? Do you owe back taxes or need help with CRA income tax debt? Most people don’t know that income tax debt can be forgiven in a bankruptcy or proposal. To learn about the options available to you, watch the recording of MNP’s...

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Debt: How Much is Too Much?

Nowadays, most Canadians carry some form of consumer debt. Credit, when used wisely, can be a good thing. But many Canadians are over-extended, financially stressed and struggling to perform a delicate fiscal balancing act. If you are concerned about...

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Canada is a welcoming place. People from across the globe have been choosing to immigrate here for generations and have, in return for new opportunities, given back more than could have been expected. Our country is richer for their presence.

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Canada is a welcoming place. People from around the world have been choosing to immigrate here for generations and have, in return for new opportunities, given back more than could have been expected. Our society is richer for their presence.

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As Household Debt Continues To Rise How Are We Going To Pay For It

With a weakened loonie and job losses on the rise, many are struggling to keep up with monthly expenses. In fact, according to a poll conducted with MNP, nearly 50% of Canadians are within just $200 of not being able to meet their financial obligations....

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Canadian Debt Is On The Rise But Our Economy Isnt

As Canadians struggle in a weakened economy, thousands are starting to bend under the weight of trying to make it from one financial obligation to the next. And what are we relying on to get us through the day-to-day expenses? Debt.

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Filing A Bankruptcy – Is It Really That Easy?

More often than not, when people find themselves in financial trouble they’re usually not sure what options are available to help them get back on track. Well-meaning friends and family may suggest a bankruptcy as a quick and easy solution. Even some...

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