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MNP Debt Blog

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Living beyond our means can lead to financial disaster. The increasing accessibility of credit cards and online banking makes it easier than ever to overspend. Rising costs of goods and social media pressures to keep up appearances can make it worse....

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Consumer Proposal vs Bankruptcy: Explore your debt relief options

If you're facing a mountain of debt, you're not alone. There are two viable options available to help you find relief: Consumer Proposal and Bankruptcy. How do you know which option is best for you?

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Do I keep my car in a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal?

We’re here to answer your questions about whether you will be able to keep your vehicle if you choose Bankruptcy or a Consumer Proposal to work towards achieving a debt-free future.

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The Bank of Canada has just announced another increase in interest rates. How does this affect you as a Southern Albertan?

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St. Patrick’s Day: Don’t Rely on Luck to Get Out of Debt

Getting out of debt requires a strategic plan and unwavering commitment. Relying on luck may not get you far.

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If you ever asked yourself “How Do I Build An Emergency Fund”, you’re already on your way to better financial health. Recognizing unexpected costs happen is a good first step. The next step is to plan to have the systems and resources...

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How to Future-Proof Finances in Your Relationship

Money can make or break your relationship. Managing your finances with your partner or spouse can guarantee a debt-free life and relationship.

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How often can you file for Bankruptcy?

This article will look at how often you can declare Bankruptcy, how it will affect your financial situation, and what other options you may have to address your unmanageable debt.

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Budgeting Basics: Planning for your income and expenses in 2023

The new year has just started, and you can still regain control of your finances if you plan your income and expenses using a budget.

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