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MNP Debt Blog

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What happens to your credit rating when things aren’t going well?

Many people are concerned about their credit rating. After all, this may determine whether you qualify for a mortgage or a car loan — and possibly even whether you get the apartment you’ve applied to lease.

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How Do I Know I Am In Financial Trouble (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

The warning signs of personal financial trouble are everywhere. Knowing what they are and how to recognize them can be the difference between quickly recovering from one or two bad months and being trapped in a months or years-long battle with debt. ...

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Does Bankruptcy mean losing everything?

The most common concern for debtors contemplating a Bankruptcy is what they’ll have to give up to achieve a financial fresh start.

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How do I know if I have too much debt? Six signs that don’t lie

This question comes up a lot, but it’s a difficult one to answer. While everyone loves a good benchmark, there’s never a clear-cut answer for how much debt is too much for any individual.

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The MNP Consumer Debt Index finds a third (32%) say they plan to spend more than normal on things such as travel, dining, and entertainment as they re-engage with the economy.

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The MNP Consumer Debt Index finds a third (32%) say they plan to spend more than normal on things such as travel, dining, and entertainment as they re-engage with the economy.

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The MNP Consumer Debt Index finds a third (32%) say they plan to spend more than normal on things such as travel, dining, and entertainment as they re-engage with the economy.

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The quarterly poll conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD finds four in 10 (43%, unchanged since March) households are not confident they’ll be able to cover all living and family expenses in the next 12 months without spending on credit.

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The quarterly poll conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD finds almost half (46%) of households in the province are not confident they’ll be able to cover all living and family expenses in the next 12 months without spending on credit.

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The quarterly poll conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD, finds almost half of households (45%, +6) are not confident they’ll be able to cover all living and family expenses in the next 12 months without taking on more debt.

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