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MNP Debt Blog

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Purchasing decisions used to be easy for most households. Until the early 1950s, people mostly bought what they needed and paid for their purchases with cash. Wants were few and luxury items for the most part beyond reach. Fast-forward 70 years and it’s...

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Managing insolvency engagements within the new reality of the Bubble impacted engagements when travel was required from individuals outside the Bubble. The creation of the Bubble affected interaction with other professionals – such as lawyers,...

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Common myths and misconceptions about Bankruptcy

Unmanageable debt is stressful enough without the persistent half-truths and complete inaccuracies that prevent people from getting the relief they need and deserve. Bankruptcy, more than any other debt solution, often seems to be the target of these...

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Bankruptcy can provide relief for most types of consumer debt, save for a few noteworthy exceptions. Therefore, you can — in most cases — include a debt owing to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) in a bankruptcy. However,...

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Debt during retirement is incredibly stressful, especially if you’re caring for an ailing spouse or dealing with health issues of your own.

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MNP’s quarterly Consumer Debt Index consistently finds between 45 and 50 percent of Canadians are $200 or less away from insolvency at month-end.

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Your financial fresh start has opened a whole new work of possibilities for you, including the opportunity to become a homeowner.

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Now in its fifteenth wave, the MNP Consumer Debt Index, which is conducted quarterly by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD, finds nearly half (47%) of Atlantic Canadians are not confident they can cover their living expenses for the next year without going further...

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Now in its fifteenth wave, the MNP Consumer Debt Index finds four in 10 (42%) Saskatchewan and Manitoba residents are not confident they can cover their living expenses for the next year without going further into debt, a one-point drop from September....

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