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MNP Debt Blog

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One quarter of Albertans technically insolvent, cannot pay their bills each month

The latest MNP Consumer Debt Index points to debt trouble in Alberta, particularly as payment deferrals and government emergency aid programs change or wind down.

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The latest MNP Consumer Debt Index points to debt trouble in Atlantic Canada, particularly as payment deferrals and government emergency aid programs change or wind down.

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Millions of Canadians are struggling with debt addiction — a problem that has worsened over more than a decade of historically low interest rates and a growing culture of debt normalization.

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Debt Consolidation Options (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

If your debt payments have become overwhelming, Consolidation can be the answer. There are numerous ways to consolidate your debt, but generally it involves lumping most or all your balances together into a single affordable payment. Here are just a few...

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Four strategies for reducing debt in retirement

Recent studies have suggested as many as half of Canadians are retiring in debt.

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Quick tips to calculate and prioritize your debt

Debt can feel overwhelming, and it can be difficult to keep track of everything. Especially as our lives get busier and we have more distractions grabbing at our attention.

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CRA Super Priority and the Mortgage Lender

When looking at lending to a self-employed individual, it is no longer enough to see a copy of their tax returns or notices of assessment.

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The holidays often have a snowball effect: First is the struggle of deciding who to buy for, what to buy and how you’re going to afford it all. Then comes the stress of shopping itself. Finally, there’s the planning for how to deal with the...

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Your Best Option (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

If you’re struggling to maintain minimum monthly debt payments or don’t see yourself ever getting out of debt on your own, you may consider filing a Bankruptcy. It is one option… but it’s not the FIRST option a Licensed Insolvency...

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Should I check my credit score before speaking to a professional?

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