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MNP Debt Blog

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hi there i was wanting to find out some information about these areas cause i'm currently in debt where i'm having problems paying off outstanding bills that i have and was wanting to find out is there anyway i can put them all in one bill and pay a monthly...

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The ability to keep your house when filing for bankruptcy depends on several factors.

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Will I lose my family allowance if I file for bankruptcy?

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I was required to pay 1440.00 for my bankruptcy. My tax return was more than that and GST was seized as well. Do i recieve this overage once my bankruptcy has been discharged?

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I had been discharged about 2002 from a previous bankruptcy. How will that affect me if i file again? Are there any changes. And how long for discharge and on file for?

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Does debt expire in Canada? Is the a statute on limitations?

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I have chose to repay all my debt to creditors yet my Trustee at another firm will not take this to court and release me from bankruptcy. What can I do. Keith

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I currently dont have any income and no asset. How can I apply for personal bankruptcy?

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hi i was wondering if i could get some info on some things i owe almost 8,000 in debt and at my witz end just wondering if bankruptcy was a good soultion ive tried talking to the banks and thats going now were

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Can I Keep My House if I File for Bankruptcy

I want to know if I can keep my house, if I apply for bankruptcy I want to get out of this debt problem but I can't find a part-time job.

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