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MNP Debt Blog

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Student Loan Debt 101

With the school year just starting up and thousands of Canadian students beginning a new semester of post-secondary studies, all of those hard-earned dollars from summer gigs are now being applied to tuition, books, transportation, housing and supplies....

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Before going through a bankruptcy, one of the questions I’m often asked is: “What happens afterward?” Most people are wondering how their credit will be impacted and what they can do to help improve their rating again...

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When dealing with debt, there are both formal and informal options. Formal options are undertaken via the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA).

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Whether you’ve been searching on the internet, seen a print ad or heard a radio ad for debt relief or debt consolidation, you may have noticed the words ‘government-approved debt relief programs’. But what does this mean?

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The causes of excessive debt in Canada vary widely, with many factors coming into play.

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You’ve probably heard the expression “Keeping up with the Joneses”, right? It refers to the human desire of wanting to have what our peers or neighbours have – a luxury car, tickets to every big concert, designer clothes, exotic vacations, etc...

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4 Ways To Eliminate Credit Card Debt

Many people experience the frustration that comes with trying to pay down – or ideally, off – their credit card bills each month. It can be difficult to see the majority of your monthly payment going towards high interest charges.

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Both individuals and corporations can make use of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. A consumer bankruptcy is simply a bankruptcy filing by an individual in Canada.

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Dealing With Debts Owed To Canada Revenue Agency

Individuals (and corporations) may find themselves in financial difficulty and Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) may be a creditor, possibly the largest creditor. This blog post will look at whether, and how, those debts can be included in a filing under the...

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Debt consolidation is the process of combining two or more debts into one. The aim of debt consolidation is to enable you to become debt-free through one consolidated monthly payment over a defined period of time.

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