The holidays can certainly be the most wonderful time of the year. But with all the pressure to spend, it can also be one of the most expensive and stressful.
It’s often helpful to remind ourselves that none of our friends or family members want us to go into debt to afford their gifts. In fact, it’s safe to assume most people would be heartbroken to learn about the pressures their loved ones are facing this time of year.
Rather than chasing the never-ending carrot of bigger, bolder, more expensive gifts, consider one of these cost effective, memorable, and extremely budget friendly ideas instead.
Quality time
Many families are looking forward to gathering for the holidays and celebrating truly enjoying one another’s company. After more than a year of uncertainty and significant social distancing, it’s never been more apparent just how precious and valuable these moments are.
Find ways to make the most of your quality time this holiday season. Disconnect from devices, plan some fun games or activities and be sure to savour the opportunity to laugh, share stories, and truly be present this year.
Write a letter or card thanking a friend or loved one and telling them how they’ve impacted your life in a meaningful way. Share a long-forgotten memory of a time when they showed you genuine kindness and made you feel seen, appreciated, and valued.
A thoughtful handmade gift
Flex your creative muscles and make a special one-of-a-kind gift for a special one-of-a-kind person in your life. Paint a picture, build something out of wood, write a poem, knit a sweater — the opportunities are endless, and priceless beats expensive every time.
Random acts of kindness
Spread the holiday spirit far and wide while hardly spending any money at all: Seize the opportunity to shovel a neighbour’s sidewalk. Buy coffee for the person behind you in the drive thru. Compliment a stranger’s jacket.
Challenge yourself to do one nice thing for someone every day through December — and try to keep it going well into the new year.
Volunteering and donating
The pandemic has been especially hard on local non-profit organizations. Look on social media for organizations in your area who need volunteer support. Tap a friend or family member to join you and make a meaningful holiday memory together.
If you can afford to, surprise them on Christmas morning with a donation to the organization in their name.