Mnp Ltd Awarded Consumer Choice Award For Third Year


​​ ​MNP Ltd.’s Winnipeg office was awarded the 2014 / 15 Consumer Choice Award in the Trustee in Bankruptcy category for a third straight year. The Consumer Choice Awards program highlights the best products and services in Winnipeg from a wide range of business categories. Each year, Consumer Choice Award gathers opinions, perceptions and expectations through the responses of thousands of consumers and businesses. The selection process through a third party research firm ensures only the most outstanding service provider is the winner in their category. Being selected for our third year as the Top Service Provider for 2014 / 15 underscores MNP Ltd.’s strength in providing solutions for individuals who are experiencing financial difficulties. Our outstanding and caring team has focused on providing credit and debt advice in Winnipeg for more than 50 years and our clients have recognized our commitment to service excellence in the city by selecting us for this award. Thank you Winnipeg!

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