Corporate team reviewing their restructuring plan

Corporate Engagements

MNP Corporate Engagements is an information source for those with interests in businesses where MNP is currently acting as a formal monitor, receiver, interim receiver, liquidator or Licensed Insolvency Trustee.

Please see our current Corporate Engagements below. If an engagement is missing, it may be in the archive. Please contact us for details of any current Corporate Engagement.

If you would like an accessible copy of a document, please submit a request to [email protected] with the document URL.

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Del Equipment Inc.

Del Equipment Inc. filed an assignment on the 3rd day of December 2020 and MNP Ltd. was appointed as the Licensed Insolvency Trustee. For further information in relation to the Receivership of Del Equipment Inc., click here. For further information in relation to the CCAA filing of Del Equipment Inc., click here. Video/Telephone Conference instructions on how to attend the First Meeting of Creditors, click here. Poll Everywhere...

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Delta Electric Ltd.

On September 7, 2016, Delta Electric Inc. filed an Assignment in Bankruptcy and MNP Ltd. was named as Trustee. Delta Electric Inc. provides electrical contracting services.

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D&G Property Pros Inc

D&G Property Pros Inc., (the “Company”) operated a Landscaping business. It was incorporated in 2008 in the province of Ontario. The Company made an assignment in bankruptcy on November 24th, 2023.

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Dhanoa Ventures Inc

Dhanoa Ventures Inc. was placed into Receivership by order of the Court of Queen's Bench for Saskatchewan – In Bankruptcy and Insolvency on January 12, 2018. MNP Ltd. has been appointed as Receiver Manager of the company and its assets. It is our intention to continue operating the Motel 6 in Estevan and in that regard, we have engaged Meridian Hotels Ltd. to act as manager of the property.

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Dhillon & Son Transport Inc.

Dhillon & Son Transport Inc. filed an assignment in bankruptcy on March 23, 2022 and MNP Ltd. was named as Trustee to the file.

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Digital Underground Media Inc

On September 21, 2017, Digital Underground Media Inc. filed a Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal (“NOI”). MNP Ltd. has consented to act as Trustee in the Proposal.

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Dino Bouncers Inc.

On November 4, 2020, Dino Bouncers Inc. filed an assignment in bankruptcy pursuant to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and MNP Ltd. was appointed as Bankruptcy Trustee.

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Direct Oil and Gas Inc

On February 28th, 2020, Direct Oil and Gas entered into voluntary bankruptcy with MNP Ltd. as the Trustee.

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Distribution Coupes Médailles Attributions C.M.A. Inc.

The Company filed an assignment in bankruptcy on February 1st, 2022 and MNP Ltd. was named as Trustee to the file.

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Distributions Micra-Tech Inc.

Distributions Micra-Tech Inc. filed an assignment in bankruptcy on February 20, 2023 and MNP Ltd. was named as Trustee to the file.

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