Sometimes an organization or individual is simply in need of some outside assistance when faced with a unique or unexpected challenge. Whether you are an owner, a debtor, a creditor, or a beneficiary, our team of experienced professionals can provide assistance to help resolve internal disputes, manage succession, assist with operational management, distribute assets in the event of a death or other unexpected event that significantly impacts your leadership.
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When a business relationship deteriorates between family, friends or partners running a business, dispute consulting services are needed to mediate the process going forward.
Mediating arrow_forwardComplex Estate Administration
If the principal of a viable business has passed away and there is no defined successor to manage operations, our professional team can provide management of the organization until a resolution is reached.
Complex Estate Administration arrow_forwardTrustee Under Dependent Adult Orders
When an incapacitated adult with significant personal assets, business assets or viable business operations cannot properly manage matters, we can step in.
Trustee Under Dependent Adult Orders arrow_forwardLiquidator Under Business Corporation Acts
Whether provincially or federally mandated, we can assist with the orderly liquidation of a business through the applicable Business Corporations Act, typically when the business is solvent and doesn’t require the use of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA).
Liquidator Under Business Corporation Acts arrow_forwardClass Action Claims Administration
The claims administrator performs a critical function in the class action settlement process. As an impartial third party, MNP disburses settlements to affected parties in accordance with agreed and court-approved terms.
Class Action Claims Administration arrow_forward