Corporate team reviewing their restructuring plan

Corporate Engagements

MNP Corporate Engagements is an information source for those with interests in businesses where MNP is currently acting as a formal monitor, receiver, interim receiver, liquidator or Licensed Insolvency Trustee.

Please see our current Corporate Engagements below. If an engagement is missing, it may be in the archive. Please contact us for details of any current Corporate Engagement.

If you would like an accessible copy of a document, please submit a request to [email protected] with the document URL.

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Black Knight Inn

Black Knight Inn

MNP Ltd. was appointed as Receiver of Black Knight Inn Ltd., Manwood Holdings Ltd. and BKI Holdings Ltd. (collectively as “BKI”) by way of a Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta Order dated August 7, 2020. BKI operated a 98 room hotel, lounge and restaurant located at 2929 50 th Avenue in Red Deer, Alberta.

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Blue Mountain Four Season Limited

Blue Mountain Four Season Limited (the “Company”) operated a construction, landscaping and snow removal operation. It was incorporated in 1997 in the province of Ontario. The Company made an assignment in bankruptcy on April 27th, 2023.

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Blue Rose Gardening Inc.

The Company filed a Notice of Intention to file a Proposal on July 20, 2023 and MNP Ltd. has consented to act as Trustee under the Proposal.

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Bopack Inc.

Bopack I nc. filed an assignment in bankruptcy on March 21, 2024 and MNP Ltd. was named as Trustee to the file.

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Boss Logo Print & Graphics Inc.

On September 4, 2018, MNP Ltd. became the receiver in respect of the property of Boss Logo Print & Graphics Inc., ("BLPG") that is subject to The Toronto-Dominion Bank's security. Boss Logo Print & Graphics Inc ("BLPG") filed an assignment in bankruptcy on September 14, 2018 and MNP Ltd. was appointed as trustee of the bankrupt estate by the Official Receiver, subject to affirmation by BLPG's creditors. On September 19, 2018, MNP Ltd....

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Boulangerie Chicoutimi-Nord Inc.

Boulangerie Chicoutimi-Nord Inc. filed an assignment in bankruptcy on June 8, 2023 and MNP Ltd. was named as Trustee to the file.

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Boutique Érotika 2002 Inc.

Boutique Érotika 2002 Inc. filed a Notice of Intention to File a Proposal on November 7, 2023 and MNP Ltd. has consented to act as Trustee under the proposal.

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Boutique Tristan & Iseut Inc.

Boutique Tristan & Iseut Inc. filed a Notice of Intention to File a Proposal on July 21, 2020 and MNP Ltd. has consented to act as Trustee under the proposal. On January 20, 2021, the Quebec Superior Court for the district of Montreal (the "Court") sitting as a court designated pursuant to the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act ("CCAA") issued an Order authorizing the Debtor to continue its restructuring process under CCAA. For more information...

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Boutique Tristan & Iseut Inc. (CCAA)

On January 20, 2021, the Quebec Superior Court for the district of Montreal (the "Court") sitting as a court designated pursuant to the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act ("CCAA") issued an Order authorizing the Debtor to continue its restructuring process under CCAA, appointing MNP Ltd. as monitor (the "Monitor") and providing the Debtor with various protections as they prepare a plan of reorganization in virtue of the CCAA.

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Bow Valley Fresh Inc . - In Bankruptcy

Bow Valley Fresh Inc. filed an assignment in bankruptcy and MNP Ltd. was appointed as Trustee of the bankrupt estate on April 2, 2024. Bow Valley Fresh Inc. operated a Freshii restaurant in the Bow Valley building in Calgary, AB. Publicly available documents related to these proceedings will be posted below.

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