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MNP Debt Blog

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Will I lose my home if I file bankruptcy?

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My car is worth more than $5,000 - what happens if I file bankruptcy?

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I have another question, I owe credit cards, have a mortgage, own my car, and have rsps. Will the bank take my house if I go bankrupt?

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I have a lot of debt, mostly credit cards. I have a mortgage, own my car, and I have some rsps. If I go bankrupt will I lose my car or have to cash in my rsps?

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I have been spending beyond my means, I have a good job, but I can't keep up with my payments. My friend told me I can not go bankrupt because I make to much money, is this true? I make close to 40,000 but I owe about the same with credit cards and car...

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I need to go bankrupt, but I have a mortgage with my wife. She does not want to go bankrupt. How can I do this without dragging her into this?

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I am thinking about going bankrupt will this affect my wife's credit rating?

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what is a secured debt?

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I owe my bank money for a visa account, I am behind on my payments, and they have taken my last couple of paychecks. My friend told me that if I go bankrupt, I can get this money back, is this true?

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I know student loans don’t go away in a bankruptcy unless it has been 10 years since you finished your program, but I’ve heard this is being changed. What will the new time period be and when will that change be in effect?

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