It's true. But never forget, you're not alone. Every day our Licensed Insolvency Trustees work with people who have experienced debt problems in every way imaginable. This is their stories about situations that got out of control — leaving clients feeling scared, alone and exhausted. But for every story, there was always a solution, hope, and most importantly, a chance to start over again.
View their stories below

"There was hope for the future, something that had been missing for a long time."

"As I walked him through each step, I could sense a massive weight come off his shoulders."

“As he worked toward a fresh start, I watched his energy and vitality return.”

Unexpected Life Expenses
“He always tried to do the right thing, but everything kept going wrong.”

Spousal Overspending
“When a spouse breaks the financial trust in a relationship, it can be difficult to recover.”

Blue Collar
"I could tell they were doing their best considering all the bad news they’d been given."

Middle Class Family
“I was able to see their anger turn to relief and that was my real reward.”

"One less stress, one less pressure so she could have a fighting chance to turn the rest of her life around."

Job Loss Unemployment
"Even for the most responsible people, life can change in an instant."

Small Business Owner
“He told her if she wanted to save the business she would have to deal with the problem on her own.”

Young Adults
“I haven’t even started my career and my life is a wreck.”

“By the time you get to my age, you feel like your options have all run out.”

Medical Expenses
“Canadians don’t expect to choose between their physical health and their financial wellbeing — but it happens every day.”

Tax Debt
"Many people feel tax debt is inescapable. But in many cases, it is possible to find relief."