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MNP Debt Blog

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My husband and I are on Employment and income assistance, can we apply for bankruptcy?

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If I file for bankruptcy will I lose my GST and Child Tax Benefits?

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I'm dealing with a company that promised to cut my credit card debts in half. They told me to stop making my monthly payments and now I'm getting more calls than ever. What can I do?

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What do I do if I filed for bankruptcy and failed to complete my obligations 6 years ago? do I have to file another bankruptcy or can I continue with the first?

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Will I lose my car if I declare bankruptcy?

Will I lose my car if I declare bankruptcy?

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I'm 2 years after being released from bankruptcy and now need a car loan. If the banks won't give an auto loan are there other "safe" companies in saskatchewan that will?

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Will creditors stop calling if I file for bankruptcy? Gord Neudorf, a Trustee at MNP Ltd., addresses this question.

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Effective May 28, 2012 the Enforcement of Money Judgements Act is proclaimed in effect in Saskatchewan

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I have a judgement on my house from BMO for default on an unsecured credit card, would that be removed in bankruptcy?

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