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MNP Debt Blog

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How Much Will My Bankruptcy Cost?

Navigating through the ins and outs of debt solutions when you are in financial distress can be overwhelming. The stress of harassing phone calls from creditors or collection agencies certainly doesn’t help.

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Canadas Debt Load - An All Time High

Based on current economists, Canada’s debt to income ratio has reached an all-time high of 163.3%. This means Canadians have $1.63 of debt to every $1.00 of earned income, the highest level ever seen on record.

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A consumer proposal could be the solution that changes your life.

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Over the past several years, the debt settlement industry in Ontario has received a significant amount of criticism, much of it highly deserved.

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On Friday, August 14, 2015 Doug Stuive and his team at MNP hosted their annual Back to School Charity BBQ. Despite the morning downpour, it was a fun filled afternoon which highlighted the spirit of our community.

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Marketplace to benefit with MNP resources and personalized debt solutions

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I've been doing insolvency work for a very long time, so I remember when interest rates were much higher than they were today. In fact, I recall back in the 1980s when mortgage interest rates were over 20% in some cases (no, that is not a typo).

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How Do I Know When I Have Too Much Debt?

As always, every situation is different and whether or not you are carrying too much debt depends on a number of variables in your individual circumstance. What may be too much of a financial burden for you, may be completely manageable for someone else....

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Debt Relief Can Be Relieving

Are your debt problems heating up? Perhaps it’s time to cool off with some debt relief

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Drop in Oil Prices

There is no doubt about it. The drop in oil prices has affected nearly everyone in Alberta. Central Alberta especially, is experiencing a significant hike in the amount of people seeking to restructure their debt or attain manageable debt relief solutions....

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