Are you on the debt treadmill and can’t stop?


A consumer proposal could be the solution that changes your life.

Person talking on their cellphone looking over paperwork

Debt can be overwhelming. When you are racing to keep up with your debt payments but you end up going nowhere, it can feel as though you are on a debt treadmill when the amount of debt you owe never seems to go down. If you are only paying interest on a line of credit or just the minimum payments on your credit cards, there will be no end in sight. Have you checked your credit card statement where it tells you how long it will take to pay off your debt? If you’re only paying the minimum payment, that number could be 20 years or more. Here are a few examples of why that could be a big problem:

  • If you’re retired and receiving a fixed income, it is possible your debt will outlive you.
  • If you’re in your 40’s or 50’s, it will mean you will be retiring with debt.
  • If you’re in your 30’s, it will be difficult to save for your child’s education.

The good news is, you can get off the treadmill and assess options that will help you work towards becoming debt free so that you can stop worrying and get back to living.

Here is how a consumer proposal could be a solution for you
A consumer proposal is an agreement with your creditors to freeze the interest charges, lower the amount of debt to a level you can afford and consolidate the debts into one monthly payment up to a maximum of five years. To start the process, you meet with a professional Trustee. They will make a complete assessment of your situation so that an appropriate and manageable consumer proposal can be drafted. Ultimately, the consumer proposal will be tailored to you, taking into account your personal situation.

Once a consumer proposal has been accepted by your creditors, you will be able to see the light at the end of tunnel. For every $1 you pay into the consumer proposal, your debt goes down by $1. Debt will now be removed as a roadblock to your future as you are on way to financial freedom. Relief can come in different ways:

  • Working overtime or taking an extra shift means you can use the money to save up for a vacation or a new car rather than feeling like you are just running faster on the debt treadmill;
  • Using your pension income to pay for necessities such as household expenses rather than having it go towards the interest on your debt;
  • Making a financial plan that includes savings for retirement, education for your children or a new home.

The best part is of filing a consumer proposal, is knowing that you are no longer on the treadmill and are now moving forward towards a fresh financial start.

David Gowling is a Bankruptcy Trustee within our Hamilton location. To learn more about how MNP Debt can help you, contact any of our local offices.

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