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MNP Debt Blog

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how can i get a pre initial consultation for personal bankruptcy. if i would like to go for this is my husband will have to go too,. thanks emmy

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Hi there, I cam currently in Bankruptcy. I went bankrupt in January of 2005. I should have been discharged by now. I am still owing them money plus other creditors. Am i able to seek credit counselling while i am still in Bankruptcy?

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My husband and I are looking at probably having to file a joint bankruptcy. We take home $7004 and I am wondering what surplus income we would have to pay.

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If I just leave the country for a certain amount of time will all my debts (credit cards, loans, 6 years of unpaid income tax, etc.) just "0" out? If the answer is "no" would I have a problem getting into another country with a fresh bankruptcy on my...

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Garnishment By Canadian Creditor In Other Countries

I am in debt on my credit line by $15000.00 with td bank I live and work overseas. Can the bank garnish my wages ?

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I am currently in bankruptcy and had my cell phone stolen, but am still on contract with the company,can i get another cell phone with them without them checking my credit or will I be out of luck in getting a new cell phone and have to suck up the bill...

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Bankruptcy And Foreclosures

I have two properties one is a primary residence and the other is a rental. The renters put a grow op in the basement and it was seized. I can't afford to fix the house and the mortgage is higher than the house is worth. Can I file for bankruptcy after...

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I would like to file for bankrupcy but i have a student loan and I am drowning in debt but trying to get a education to secure my future. Can i file for bankrupcy even with a student loan?

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Can gov. agencies garnish 100% of a persons income? Either motor vehicles accident recoveries, or human resources and employment services (u.i)?

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Can I get help with 1 credit card that is over-limit?

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