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MNP Debt Blog

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What is the process required for a credit card or loan company to garnish my wages in Manitoba. And, if they do garnish wages what is the limit in Manitoba?

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If a person goes bankrupt do they have first option to buy back there house?

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We are locked into a 5 year mortgage, with 3 years remaining. Want to sell house to Real Estate Investors called in Calgary. Do you think this is legit???

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Hello There, I claimed Bankruptcy in 2005. How long does this stay on my Credit Report. Thanks, Kelly

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Hi there I was wonering if my spouse files for personal bankruptcy and I do not and we filed jointly for income taxes would I be responsible for his income tax debt?

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You are facing financial problems - is a Consumer Proposal for you?

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A person is close to bankruptcy and in poor health. How does their death before declaring bankruptcy affect their estate? Can their estate declare bankruptcy? How does their death after declaring bankruptcy affect their estate?

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Can my husband claim bankruptcy if he is in the hospital due to his mental illness? He has lost his job, and has been in and out of the psychiatric ward in the past five months. I cannot afford to take on his debt. He is in the hospital now and has...

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I will lose my job and I plan to go back to my hometown (Philippines), but I do not want to leave my obligations, my loans unpaid. Can I file for bankruptcy to settle everything and leave Canada for a couple of years?

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What happens to my car loan in a bankruptcy?

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