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MNP Debt Blog

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How has COVID-19 impacted debt challenges in B.C.?

British Columbians have been through a lot in 2020 and 2021. The impacts of COVID-19 arrived suddenly and have been difficult to forecast. Some B.C. households have faced more challenges than others, but nearly everyone has experienced setbacks to some...

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Managing insolvency engagements within the new reality of the Bubble impacted engagements when travel was required from individuals outside the Bubble. The creation of the Bubble affected interaction with other professionals – such as lawyers,...

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The ongoing uncertainty and instability caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have many people concerned about their financial circumstances. But managing debt is something you should always be thinking about no matter what is happening around you in the world...

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One quarter of Albertans technically insolvent, cannot pay their bills each month

The latest MNP Consumer Debt Index points to debt trouble in Alberta, particularly as payment deferrals and government emergency aid programs change or wind down.

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The latest MNP Consumer Debt Index points to debt trouble in Quebec as payment deferrals and government emergency aid programs wind down or change.

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The latest MNP Consumer Debt Index points to debt trouble in British Columbia, particularly as payment deferrals and government emergency aid programs change or wind down.

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MNP Consumer Debt Index Highlights Divergent Experiences of Canadians during COVID

As the country enters its seventh month of economic disruption, the pandemic recession is putting a spotlight on the divergent experiences of Canadians during COVID.

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The latest MNP Consumer Debt Index points to debt trouble in the two provinces, particularly as payment deferrals and government emergency aid programs change or wind down.

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The latest MNP Consumer Debt Index points to debt trouble in Atlantic Canada, particularly as payment deferrals and government emergency aid programs change or wind down.

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The latest MNP Consumer Debt Index points to debt trouble in the two provinces, particularly as payment deferrals and government emergency aid programs change or wind down.

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