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MNP Debt Blog

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Since last year, the Office of the Superintendant of Bankruptcy in Canada reported a 24% increase in the number of filings in Saskatchewan over the same 3 months in 2013 and 2014.

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An MNP Licensed Insolvency Trustee discusses the importance of seeking expert advice when dealing with the financial problems of a marriage during the divorce process to make sure that you understand all of your options.

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We read about it almost weekly - Canadians have accumulated record levels of consumer debt.

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Bankruptcy is a legal state. To place yourself in bankruptcy you must execute a number of documents with a licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy (like those that work for MNP Ltd.). You will only be placed in bankruptcy after you have met with a Trustee and...

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Life After A Consumer Proposal

Learn about what happens after you complete your final payment under a consumer proposal. Read this blog about your life after a consumer proposal.

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You will be considered free or discharged from your debts once you have completed the entire process.

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Once an individual has completed the difficult task of a bankruptcy or consumer proposal, the question that is asked most often is, “How do I rebuild my credit rating?” The answer is, you can start rebuilding your credit immediately. Here...

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In Ontario, many people in financial trouble list 407 ETR (the world’s first all-electronic open access toll highway) among their debts when they file a bankruptcy.

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Most business owners who are incorporated are now aware that if the company does not pay its various sales taxes, employees’ salaries & vacations and the DAS, etc – then as the administrator of the company you are responsible for the said...

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Recently, a number of our clients have been rather shocked to find out that debt they thought was unsecured was, in fact, secured on their home.

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