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MNP Debt Blog

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How Long Do Bankruptcy & Consumer Proposals Last

Upon filing for bankruptcy, there are a number of duties that you must complete which include paying fees, participation in two debt counseling sessions and submission of monthly income and expense statements.

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The Struggle With Rising Debt

Struggling with rising debt? MNP Bankruptcy Trustee Dean Prentice discusses increased debt loads and how consumers can manage them in our latest blog.

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The Six Steps Involved In Getting Out Of Bankruptcy

Anyone wishing to file for personal bankruptcy in Canada will have to go through six key steps prior to receiving their discharge from bankruptcy.

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We are very pleased announce that the MNP Insolvency team in Regina has won the Consumer Choice award in the Bankruptcy category for the Regina

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There are two basic types of consumer debts: unsecured and secured. Below is a brief overview of the main differences between them.

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Five Tips For Controlling Your Credit Card Use

With consumer debt at an all-time high, Canadians are being warned to take steps to reduce their debt before interest rates begin to rise.

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It's important to start teaching your children about the limitations of money at an early age.

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“Talk With Our Kids About Money Day”, held on Wednesday April 15, is an important day to call attention to and an opportunity to talk with our kids and youth about money.

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Do You Need Help With Debt In Canada

Are you wondering who to turn to when you need help with debt in Canada and your credit rating is too low to consolidate your debts?

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Do You Need Help With Debt In Canada? Here's Who Can Help

Are you wondering who to turn to when you need help with debt in Canada and your credit rating is too low to consolidate your debts? There are many diverse options out there, each with their benefits but also considerations.

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