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MNP Debt Blog

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Student Loan Debt

Finishing school and trying to jump start your career while navigating student loan debt can be overwhelming to say the least.

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With summer over and kids returning to school, many Ontario families are getting back into the regular schedule of life, with all the busyness that entails. This is also often the time when we turn our thoughts toward the rest of the year and what we...

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Do I Need to File a Consumer Proposal?

You might ask yourself why you would need to file a Consumer Proposal, or possibly even look at filing for bankruptcy? Listening to the Statistics Canada announcement on September 11, 2015 regarding the level of Canadian’s household debt could be one...

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The Bankruptcy Assistance Program (the “BAP”) under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act is a very significant program for consumers.

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Losing a loved one can be one of the most emotional time and stressful experience. Trying to come to terms and navigate through financial concerns can be overwhelming.

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It’s the middle of winter and the weather has been miserable for what seems like forever. Sandy beaches and warm coastal waters are beckoning. Better yet, there are deals galore available for sunny destinations.

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Dealing with the stress of unmanageable debt is exhausting. Once you’ve decided that enough is enough and it’s time to face your financial situation head on.

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Now that you’ve made the decision to start working towards a fresh financial start, it’s important to have all the information you need to move forward. After all the time you’ve spent struggling with unmanageable debt, the last thing you need is another...

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Experiencing Financial Distress? Good News: YOU HAVE OPTIONS!

Unmanageable debt is exhausting. Living in financial uncertainty while trying to maneuver multiple payment schedules at varying interest rates, paired with the harassing phone calls from creditors can be completely overwhelming.

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Who Will Find Out if I Declared Bankruptcy?

Filing for personal bankruptcy still carries a powerful stigma in this country. Mere mention of the word conjures up thoughts of irresponsible consumers who couldn't be bothered to figure out a reasonable budget.

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