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MNP Debt Blog

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Our parent’s generation might seem disconnected from modern times, but when it comes to budgeting – Dad often knows best!

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A Household Debt Worth Paying Attention To

You know the phrase 'things just aren't the way they used to be'? That's never been more true than today. Just a few decades ago, having a good education, settling into a fruitful career, buying a house, raising a family and looking forward to an enjoyable,...

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Insolvency Rate Linked To Plunging Oil Prices

As unemployment continues to increase across the prairies due to a sharp decline in the price of oil, many have found themselves relying on credit to pay for day-to-day expenses as severance pay begins to dwindle and unemployment insurance runs its course....

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With a continually increasing cost of living, it’s not always easy to convince yourself to part with the few extra dollars you do have on hand, in order to pay off looming debt. In the long run however, reducing (or even eliminating) your debt load –...

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Summer Vacation Not Debtcation

The weather is warmer, people are coming out of hibernation from the long winter and soon our children will be done with school. Once the summer months get into full gear, people naturally turn their attention to getting away to recharge, relax and (deservedly)...

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Unemployment And Insolvency Often Go Hand In Hand

The insolvency statistics for March have just been released and they are consistent with the trends for the previous few months. Generally filings are flat across the country except for those provinces affected by the decline in oil prices. Total filings...

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Schools Look To Lessen Student Stress Over Debtloads

As the price of post-secondary education continues to rise, along with cost of living, many students find themselves struggling financially both during the course of their studies and upon entering a very competitive job market upon graduation.

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As of May 20, 2016, Saskatchewan had the highest delinquency rate in the country. Given how significantly Saskatchewan and Alberta have been hit by the oil slump, this doesn’t necessarily come as a surprise to financial strategists and advisors throughout...

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9 Ways To Improve Your Business Credit Score

In today's business environment, many Canadian businesses are having to work twice as hard to keep up with a competitive landscape in a weakened economy. If you really want to stay ahead of the curve and leave the doors open for as much opportunity as...

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Struggling To Decide Between A Consumer Proposal And Bankruptcy

Living in financial uncertainty, with harassing phone calls from creditors, while trying to maneuver through unmanageable debt, can be completely overwhelming. The good news is, you have options, though it can be difficult to fully understand which route...

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