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MNP Debt Blog

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What are your financial New Year’s resolutions?

With another New Year’s day come and gone, it’s time to commit yourself to the resolutions you made! And what better way to start the year than with a few financial resolutions?

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Here are three common misconceptions our firm has encountered about consumer proposals.

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Holiday cheers or tears?

Cost of living trends in Southern Alberta

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Enjoying the holiday season on a shoestring budget

The holiday season is a time to make memories with your loved ones, but your finances may limit you from going all out. Here are ideas for enjoying the season on a tight budget.

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Signs You Are Overspending (3 Minute Debt Break)

Household overspending is one of the most common causes of financial insolvency. It’s also one of the easiest to overlook. Overspending tends to creep up slowly and camouflage itself as a different kind of financial challenge. But once you know...

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Managing your finances when interest rates rise

As government attempts to cool the heating economy, you may need to take precautionary measures to save your financial health.

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Are you an overspender? Here are 5 tips for managing your money

Your spending habits are a crucial part of your journey to a fresh financial start and a healthy financial life. But if you’re already in debt or inching closer to it with every swipe of your card, there’s no reason to panic.

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Paying off your credit card debt can be very challenging but possible if you know the right steps to take.

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The holidays are a time to eat, drink and be merry! But the pressure to celebrate the season can easily send your finances into the red for months. The desire to do the holidays in a big way could see your spending get carried away! There are plenty...

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These articles have helped hundreds of people through the year, but we’ve compiled 10 of the most read ones to ease you into a debt-free life in the new year.

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