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2642988 Ontario Inc. Receivership
Filing: 24/10/2023
Corporate Engagement Type: Receivership
The Applicant, Owemanco Mortgage Holding Corporation, made an application for an Order pursuant to section 243(1) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. B-3, as amended and section 101 of the Courts of Justice Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.43, as amended appointing MNP Ltd., as receiver and manager without security, of all of the assets, undertakings and properties of 2642988 Ontario Inc. Bankruptcy Webpage Link
W. Lin Construct X Design
Filing: 19/10/2023
Corporate Engagement Type: Bankruptcy
The Company filed an assignment in bankruptcy on October 19, 2023 and MNP Ltd. was named as Trustee to the file.
104 Investments Ltd.
Filing: 03/10/2023
Archive: 06/11/2024
Corporate Engagement Type: Receivership
On October 3, 2023, MNP Ltd. was appointed as Receiver and Manager of 104 Investments Ltd. (the "Company") pursuant to an Order of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. The Company was based in Kelowna, BC. Contact person for Receiver: Sameer Kassam Telephone: (604) 689-8939 Facsimile: (604) 689-8584 Email: [email protected]
Sodigimmo Inc.
Filing: 04/10/2023
Archive: 29/01/2025
Corporate Engagement Type: Bankruptcy
Sodigimmo Inc. filed an assignment in bankruptcy on October 4, 2023 and MNP Ltd. was named as Trustee to the file.
So Chiq Studio Inc
Filing: 05/10/2023
Corporate Engagement Type: Bankruptcy
So Chiq Studio Inc. (the “Company”) operated a hair salon in Kitchener, Ontario. It was incorporated in 2017 in the province of Ontario. The Company made an assignment in bankruptcy on October 5th, 2023.
Stephen Avenue Place
Filing: 05/10/2023
Corporate Engagement Type: Receivership
Please be advised that MNP Ltd. was appointed as the Receiver (the “ Receiver ”) of selected property (the “ Property ”) of SCREO I 700 2 nd Inc., 58508 Alberta Ltd., and SCREO I 700 2 nd L.P., by its general partner SCREO I 700 2 nd GP Inc. pursuant to a Receivership Order (the “ Order ”) pronounced by the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta on October 5, 2023. A copy of the Order and all publicly available...
Garderie Éducative Île Des Petits Coeurs Inc.
Filing: 30/10/2023
Corporate Engagement Type: Bankruptcy
Garderie Éducative Île Des Petits Coeurs Inc. filed an assignment in bankruptcy on October 30, 2023 and MNP Ltd. was named as Trustee to the file.
Brunswick Labs & Tests Inc.
Filing: 30/10/2023
Corporate Engagement Type: Proposal
Brunswick Labs & Tests Inc. filed a Notice of Intention to File a Proposal on October 30, 2023 and MNP Ltd. has consented to act as Trustee under the proposal.
792836 Alberta Ltd.
Filing: 31/10/2023
Corporate Engagement Type: Bankruptcy
792836 Alberta Ltd. (the "Company") owned and operated a construction company based out of Redwater Alberta. On October 31, 2023, the Company made an assignment into Bankruptcy. MNP Ltd. was appointed as Licensed Insolvency Trustee. The First Meeting of Creditors in the Bankruptcy of the Company will be held via teleconference on the 20 th of November 2023 at 11:30 AM MST respectively. Call in details can be found in the creditor’s package...
Sorrento Holdings Incorporated
Filing: 20/10/2023
Corporate Engagement Type: Receivership
MNP Ltd. was appointed as Receiver of all rents due and accruing due now or hereafter from the land and premises owned by Sorrento Holdings Incorporated (the “Company”) pursuant to an Order granted by the Court of Kings Bench of Alberta on October 20, 2023. The Company owns the land and building located at 9522 149 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta.
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