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Heaven Fresh Canada Inc
Filing: 26/10/2017
Corporate Engagement Type: Bankruptcy
On October 26, 2017, Heaven Fresh Canada Inc. was deemed to have filed an assignment in bankruptcy and MNP Ltd., was appointed trustee. If you are looking for information regarding the Proposal of Heaven Fresh Canada Inc, please click here.
Rideway Transport Inc.
Filing: 30/10/2017
Corporate Engagement Type: Bankruptcy
On October 30, 2017, Rideway Transport Inc. filed an assigmnent in bankruptcy and MNP Ltd was appointed as Bankruptcy Trustee.
137049 Canada Inc.
Filing: 24/05/2017
Archive: 07/01/2024
Corporate Engagement Type: Bankruptcy
137049 Canada Inc. filed a Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal on January 23, 2017 and MNP has consented to act as Trustee under the proposal. On May 24, 2017, the company was deemed bankrupt pursuant to the non-filing of a proposal.
Dechen Limited Partnership and Dechen GP Corporation
Filing: 17/05/2017
Corporate Engagement Type: Proposal
Dechen Limited Partnership and Dechen GP Corporation (collectively as "Dechen") each filed a Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal ("NOI") on May 17, 2017 and MNP Ltd. consented to act as Proposal Trustee. Dechen, located in Cold Lake, AB, provided logging, log hauling, seismic clearing and pipeline services and operated a lumber mill.
Savvydox Inc.
Filing: 29/08/2017
Corporate Engagement Type: Receivership
On August 29, 2017, MNP Ltd. became Receiver of SavvyDoc Inc. (the "Debtor") pursuant to a General Security Agreement held by Business Development Bank of Canada.
Accurassay Laboratories Ltd.
Filing: 15/05/2017
Corporate Engagement Type: Bankruptcy
On February 27, 2017, Accurassay Laboratories Ltd. filed a Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal ("NOI") pursuant to s.50.4(1) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, and MNP Ltd. was appointed as the Proposal Trustee in the proceedings. Accurassay Laboratories Ltd. was deemed to have filed an assignment in bankruptcy on May 15, 2017 and MNP Ltd. was appointed as trustee of the bankrupt estate by the Official Receiver.
Installation de Piscines Creusées A. Masse Inc.
Filing: 15/05/2017
Corporate Engagement Type: Bankruptcy
Installation de Piscines Creusées A. Masse Inc. filed an assignment in bankruptcy on May 15, 2017 and MNP Ltd. was named as Trustee to the file.
Nanogen Point of Care Inc.
Filing: 31/08/2009
Corporate Engagement Type: Bankruptcy
On August 31, 2009, Nanogen Point of Care, Inc. filed an assignment pursuant to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and MNP Ltd was appointed as Trustee. The Company developed diagnostic equipment for the early detection of cardiac conditions, with its head office located in Toronto, Ontario.
The Quiet Voice Productions Inc
Filing: 10/05/2017
Corporate Engagement Type: Bankruptcy
On May 10, 2017, the creditors rejected the Proposal filed by The Quiet Voice Productions Inc, resulting in the immediate bankruptcy of the Company. The Proposal trustee was substituted and the first meeting of creditors was adjourned to a date set by MNP LTD. The Superintendent of Bankruptcy has issued a Certificate of Appointment naming MNP LTD as Trustee.
Heaven Fresh Canada Inc
Filing: 21/07/2017
Corporate Engagement Type: Proposal
On July 21, 2017, Heaven Fresh Canada Inc. (the "Debtor") filed a Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal (“NOI”). MNP Ltd. has consented to act as Trustee in the Proposal. The Debtor was granted extensions till October 4, 2017 and October 25, 2017. The Debtor failed to file a Proposal within the required timeframe and was subsequently deemed to have made an assignment in Bankruptcy on October 26, 2017.
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