Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd., Zargon Oil & Gas Partnership and Zargon US Holdings Ltd.

Filing Date:

On September 8, 2020, Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd., Zargon Oil & Gas Partnership and Zargon US Holdings Ltd. submitted a Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal, and MNP Ltd. consented to act as the Trustee.

On November 13, 2020, a consolidation Order was granted, and a Proposal was filed for Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd., Zargon Oil & Gas Partnership and Zargon US Holdings.  Please see the Letter to Creditors below, along with all the Proposal documentation. 

At  First Meeting of Creditors held on December 4, 2020, the creditors approved the Proposal and the Trustee will be applying for Court approval as soon as possible.

Contact Information

Rick Anderson



Vice President

Servicing Calgary and 1 other offices.