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MNP Debt Blog

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Pay Debt Down Now Your Future Will Thank You

The provincial average of total debt in the province of Ontario has nearly tripled. Many consumers are taking advantage of incredibly low interest rates, which can be a dangerous game to play in the event of major life changes such as job losses or illness....

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Are You Sinking In Debt?

Given today’s weakened economy, an ever increasing cost of living and a struggling Canadian dollar, it’s no surprise to learn that many Canadians have come to depend on credit to get them through financially tough times.

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Debt Weighs Heavily On The Minds Of Students

As the cost of living and tuition continues to increase year after year, thousands of Canadian students find themselves taking on significant debt loads to cover the cost of post-secondary studies.

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Is the drop in the Canadian dollar affecting your financial health? Good news! You can still live well by spending smart!

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Household Debt Remains Near Record High

As the Canadian housing market continues to rise, especially in hot spots like Vancouver and Toronto, many are struggling to keep up with the price of living.

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High School Graduation Applying For A Credit Card

High school graduation comes with many opportunities – one of which is the availability of credit. But should you take it?

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A Household Debt Worth Paying Attention To

You know the phrase 'things just aren't the way they used to be'? That's never been more true than today. Just a few decades ago, having a good education, settling into a fruitful career, buying a house, raising a family and looking forward to an enjoyable,...

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Summer Vacation Not Debtcation

The weather is warmer, people are coming out of hibernation from the long winter and soon our children will be done with school. Once the summer months get into full gear, people naturally turn their attention to getting away to recharge, relax and (deservedly)...

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Schools Look To Lessen Student Stress Over Debtloads

As the price of post-secondary education continues to rise, along with cost of living, many students find themselves struggling financially both during the course of their studies and upon entering a very competitive job market upon graduation.

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There is no denying the facts: We are living in a tough economy. As more and more Canadians are buckling under the financial pressure of keeping up with living expenses, many are turning to companies who offer quick fixes to what are (more often than...

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