Terra Firma Development Corporation Limited
Filing Date: September 22, 2020
Terra Firma Development Corporation Limited (the "Company") was a property developer of a residential real estate project in Ardoise, Nova Scotia, known as Forest Lakes Country Club. On August 5, 2020, S + C Treuhandgesellschaft mbH filed an application to Court to have the Company adjudged bankrupt, and on September 22, 2020, the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia issued a Bankruptcy Order and appointed MNP Ltd. as Licensed Insolvency Trustee of the bankrupt estate.
Trustee's Appointment
On September 22, 2020, a Consent Bankruptcy Order was issued by Justice Denise M. Boudreau in the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia that adjudged Terra Firma Development Corporation bankrupt. Regular updates together with statutory documents will be posted on this site. Please review our FAQ page located at the link below for common questions.
Contact Information

Eric Findlay
Senior Vice President
Servicing Halifax and 5 other offices.