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MNP Debt Blog

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Life After Debt: I've Decided To Get Credit Again, How Do I Manage It?

Securing new credit is a polarizing decision for people who have completed a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal.

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The Curious Case Of Millennials And Debt

Millennials have a complicated relationship with debt. As the first true ‘digital natives’ this generation grew up in the most media-saturated and consumerist culture in recorded history.

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In my work as a Licensed Insolvency Trustee, I see firsthand the unfortunate effects financial crises can have on debtors’ mental and emotional wellness.

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After completing a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal, rebuilding your credit can feel nearly as daunting as getting out of debt.

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Is It Time To Cut Up Your Credit Cards?

For some people, quitting credit cards cold turkey is more than just great alliteration.

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Three Tips For A Three Paycheque Month

People with bi-weekly income have the unique advantage of receiving 26 paycheques per year, compared to 24 paycheques for people who receive semi-monthly remuneration.

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Four Mental Shifts For Better Money Management

As Licensed Insolvency Trustees, we often see the worst-case scenario when it comes to personal finances. Most people are at the end of their rope by the time they reach my office – having struggled with every possible fix for their debt situations and...

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What Interest Rate Increases Can Mean For Homeowners

After nearly a decade of historic lows, the Bank of Canada began increasing its key overnight interest rate in July 2017 in response to improving employment figures and a growing economy.

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Why Looking Forward is the Best Approach to Your Finances

Regret is one of the most common refrains Licensed Insolvency Trustees hear when we talk to clients about their debt. They ask questions like, “how did I get into this mess?” Or, “why did I make that decision?”

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What Happens To My Debts When I Die

As baby boomers continue to age, they face a growing number of questions about how they’re going to manage in the last phase of their lives.

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