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MNP Debt Blog

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Exploring the Differences Between a Consumer Proposal and a Bankruptcy

In today’s constantly shifting economic landscape, many Canadian households are struggling to keep up from one payment to the next – let alone keep up with an ever-increasing cost of living.

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Will Bankruptcy Erase All Of My Debt?

The intention of Canadian bankruptcy law is to provide honest and overextended debtors the opportunity for a financial fresh start.

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Who Can File For Bankruptcy?

There are several common scenarios which may cause you to wonder whether personal bankruptcy is an appropriate option to get out of debt.

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Five Myths Of Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is one of the most anxiety producing words in the financial lexicon.

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The primary purpose of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) is to allow honest but unfortunate debtors relief from their debts and the chance to make a financial fresh start.

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You Can't Hide From Your Creditors

One of the worst parts of having debt problems is dealing with the multiple phone calls from creditors and collection agencies looking for payment.

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Your credit cards are adding up. Add to that several other loans and lines of credit, and the complex juggling act of making your minimum payments can seem like a full-time job.

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Relationship breakdown is one of the top contributors to financial hardship.

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I Cant Sell My House Because I Have Too Much Debt

A client recently came to me distraught and on the verge of tears. She had tried to sell her house, but couldn't close the sale. There was a lien registered against her property which prevented the transaction from moving forward.

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Filing For Bankruptcy When Unemployed

If you don't have a job when you file for bankruptcy, it doesn't really make any difference to how your bankruptcy is administered. What does impact a bankruptcy filing is income from any source.

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