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MNP Debt Blog

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If you’re going through a personal Bankruptcy, one of your main goals is to obtain your discharge — that is, to have your debts cleared so you can start fresh.

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Why to start saving now for the winter holidays

Starting to shop before the winter holidays can help you manage your budget more effectively and fully enjoy the season together with your family and friends.

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How an LIT can help you navigate the debt relief journey

Meta Description How can an LIT help you navigate the debt relief journey? Read Randy Kobbert’s story to discover how he helped a debtor achieve a fresh financial start.

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Life after Bankruptcy

The fresh start you obtain after filing a Consumer Proposal or Bankruptcy offers many new paths for managing your day-to-day needs and planning for your future.

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Who will know about your Bankruptcy?

. It’s important to know that simply seeking out help for your finances won’t compromise your privacy.

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What happens if I owe the CRA a lot of money?

Owing a large amount of money to the CRA can feel overwhelming. There are options available to help you achieve a fresh financial start.

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Will a Consumer Proposal or Bankruptcy impact my tax refund?

Often, people focused on solving debt problems through a Consumer Proposal or Bankruptcy may not recognize the impact these processes can have on their personal income taxes.

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Buy Now, Pay Later: A Double-Edged Sword

It is important to understand the terms and conditions of a buy now, pay later plan before signing up for it.

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What happens to debt in a divorce or separation?

It’s important to understand how the debt will ultimately be split up, and what happens when one spouse can no longer afford to pay their share.

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