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MNP Debt Blog

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Budgeting Basics: Planning for your income and expenses in 2023

The new year has just started, and you can still regain control of your finances if you plan your income and expenses using a budget.

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Missing Payments? When to Seek Debt Help

Your debt is overwhelming, and you can no longer hide from it. But you’re still unsure as to when to seek the help of a professional. Here’s what you need to know.

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How are interest rate increases affecting mortgages?

Rising interest rates are affecting your finances in different ways and your mortgage debt is not immune.

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Higher interest rates, instability globally and uncertainty in the new year economically… many households look to 2023 as a year of struggling to make it from one financial obligation to the next. This is especially true for single income families....

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What are your financial New Year’s resolutions?

With another New Year’s day come and gone, it’s time to commit yourself to the resolutions you made! And what better way to start the year than with a few financial resolutions?

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Managing your finances when interest rates rise

As government attempts to cool the heating economy, you may need to take precautionary measures to save your financial health.

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These articles have helped hundreds of people through the year, but we’ve compiled 10 of the most read ones to ease you into a debt-free life in the new year.

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Five ways you can rebuild your credit score

Your credit score reflects your ability to meet certain financial requirements such as qualifying for or paying back a loan or getting good interest rates.

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Interest rates are rising - how will you keep up?

The persistent rise in interest rates will have varying effects on your finances but how will you navigate this challenge?

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