Catch up on our most popular blogs of 2023


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Author: Grant Bazian

Lifestyle Debt

Debt Solutions

Discover our top blogs of 2023, filled with interesting and helpful insights. Our goal is to provide easy-to-understand information about financial best practices.

We've picked out blogs that talk about important money topics, share expert advice, and highlight what's happening in the world of personal finance. Trying to figure out debt? Looking for budgeting tips? Or do you just want to stay in the know about money matters? This list is here to help you out.

Join us as we revisit the top blogs of 2023 and encourage you to take control of your financial future.

Top 10 blogs of 2023

What are some signs that I’m financially healthy?

Kiu Lau, CIRP, LIT

Financial wellness doesn’t happen overnight. It requires constant attention to all aspects of your finances and fine-tuning your habits and processes along the way. Paying attention to the following signs can help you benchmark where your financial health is right now — and measure your improvement over the months and years ahead. 

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How often can you file for Bankruptcy?

Zaki Alam, CIRP, LIT

There is no legal limit to the number of times you can file for Bankruptcy. However, the process and consequences differ considerably for a second or subsequent Bankruptcy.

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What happens if I owe the CRA a lot of money?

John Athanasiou, CIRP, LIT

Owing the government money can be very intimidating as it's assumed the government has a limitless ability to collect the debt through any means necessary. The CRA does have the ability to take collection measures without having to go through the court system, but there are ways to avoid these actions in the first place.

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Are you an overspender? Here are five tips for managing your money

Pamela Meger, CIRP, LIT

Your ability to manage your expenses, curtail unnecessary spending and pay off your credit card balances is a huge determinant for a debt-free life. Here are some spending management tips to prevent you from insolvency and get you back on track financially.

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Looking for the right Licensed Insolvency Trustee? Here’s why being local matters

Grant Bazian, President, MNP Ltd.

Unmanageable debt can be highly stressful, and the decision to file a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal is one of the most important financial decisions anyone will ever make. Here’s why being local matters when it comes to finding the right Licensed Insolvency Trustee to help manage it.

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How can I manage my CERB repayments?

Donna Carson, CIRP, LIT

You may be one of the many Canadians who signed up for CERB to receive a notice saying you need to repay the benefits you received. On top of that, you may already be dealing with financial stress as rising inflation eats into your personal savings. Don’t worry — many Canadians are in the same position and there are solutions that can help you manage your repayments.

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These hidden household costs could be draining thousands from your bank account every year

Eric Findlay, CIRP, LIT

A few sneaky inefficiencies around the house could be costing anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 every year. It’s time to break out the financial magnifying glass and see if any of these inefficiencies are artificially driving up the cost of living.

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Do I keep my car in a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal?

Caryl Newbery-Mitchell, CIRP, LIT

There are solutions available to help you achieve a fresh financial start, such as filing for Bankruptcy or entering into a Consumer Proposal. However, you might be worried about losing valuable assets like your car. We’re here to answer your questions about whether you will be able to keep your vehicle if you choose Bankruptcy or a Consumer Proposal.

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How to manage the impact of interest rate hikes on your budget

Tanya Reynolds, CIRP, LIT

Let’s take a look at how interest rate hikes will affect borrowers, lenders, and investors — and how you can manage the impact of increased interest rates on your budget.

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How do I know if I have too much debt? Six signs that don’t lie

Olivier Boyd, CIRP, LIT

While everyone loves a good benchmark, there’s never a clear-cut answer for how much debt is too much for any individual. There are, however, warning signs that debt is becoming unsustainable.

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Latest Blog Posts


Two in five Newfoundland and Labradorians fear they may never be debt-free, acknowledge needing help, but are too embarrassed to seek it out

Greg Gosse

MNP Consumer Debt Index Lifestyle Debt Debt Solutions

According to a new survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD, two in five Atlantic Canadians acknowledge they need help to get out of debt (43%).

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Two in five New Brunswickers fear they may never be debt-free, acknowledge needing help, but are too embarrassed to seek it out

Tara Silliker

MNP Consumer Debt Index Lifestyle Debt Debt Solutions

According to a new survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD, two in five Atlantic Canadians acknowledge they need help to get out of debt (43%).

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About one-third of Saskatchewan and Manitoba residents fear they may never be debt-free; acknowledge needing help, but two in five are too embarrassed to seek it

Pamela Meger

MNP Consumer Debt Index Lifestyle Debt Debt Solutions

According to a new survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD, three in 10 (29%) Saskatchewan and Manitoba residents acknowledge they need help to get out of debt. 

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