Ronsons Shoe Stores Ltd.
Filing Date: April 20, 2020
On April 20, 2020, MNP Ltd. was appointed Receiver and Manager (the “Receiver”) of all the assets, undertakings and property of Ronsons Shoe Stores Ltd. (the “Company”). The Company was a retailer, manufacturer and designer of comfort shoes with multiple locations throughout the Lower Mainland of British Columbia.
If you are looking for information regarding the Bankruptcy of Ronsons Shoe Stores Ltd., please click here.
Receiver's Appointment
Receiver's Reports
Other Court Documents
Other Court Orders
Receiver's Discharge
Service List
- Inventory Listing - Appendix A - 1 - file_download
- Equipment Listing - Appendix A - 1 - file_download
- Trademarks - Appendix A - 2 - file_download
- Appendix B - Terms and Conditions of Sale - file_download
- Appendix C - Form of Offer to Purchase - file_download
- Invitation for Offer to Purchase or Auction - file_download
Contact Information

Greg Ibbott
Senior Vice-President
Servicing Vancouver and 1 other offices.