Les Entreprises en Électricité Gavin Inc.
Filing Date: February 27, 2023
Les Entreprises en Électricité Gavin Inc. filed a Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal on February 27, 2023 and MNP consented to act as Trustee under the Proposal.
Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal (NOI)
Extension of Time to Make a Proposal
- Court Order for the First Extension of Delay (until May 13, 2023) - March 28, 2023 file_download
- Notice to Creditors of First Extension of Delay (until May 13, 2023) - April 06, 2023 file_download
- Court Order for the Second Extension of Delay (until June 26, 2023) - May 12, 2023 file_download
- Notice to Creditors of Second Extension of Delay (until June 26, 2023) - May 12, 2023 file_download
- Court Order for the Third Extension of Delay (until August 10, 2023) - June 26, 2023 file_download
- Notice to Creditors of Third Extension of Delay (until August 10, 2023) - June 27, 2023 file_download
Trustee's Reports
Contact Information

Pierre Marchand
Senior Vice-President
Servicing Montréal and 1 other offices.